ben de memnun oldum

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ben de memnun oldum
nice to meet you, too
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Phonetic: "/naɪs/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Niceness.

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Phonetic: "/naɪs/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Pleasant, satisfactory.

Definition: Of a person: friendly, attractive.

Definition: Respectable; virtuous.

Example: What is a nice person like you doing in a place like this?

Definition: (with and) Shows that the given adjective is desirable, or acts as a mild intensifier; pleasantly, quite.

Example: The soup is nice and hot.

Definition: Silly, ignorant; foolish.

Definition: Particular in one's conduct; scrupulous, painstaking; choosy.

Definition: Particular as regards rules or qualities; strict.

Definition: Showing or requiring great precision or sensitive discernment; subtle.

Definition: Easily injured; delicate; dainty.

Definition: Doubtful, as to the outcome; risky.

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Phonetic: "/naɪs/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Nicely.

Example: Children, play nice.

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Phonetic: "/naɪs/"

Part Of Speech: interjection

Definition: Used to signify a job well done.

Example: Nice! I couldn't have done better.

Definition: Used to signify approval.

Example: Is that your new car? Nice!

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Phonetic: "/tʉː/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Toward a closed, touching or engaging position.

Example: Please push the door to.

Definition: Into the wind.

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Phonetic: "/tʉː/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Indicating destination: In the direction of, and arriving at.

Example: We are walking to the shop.

Definition: Used to indicate the target or recipient of an action.

Example: He devoted himself to education.

Definition: Used to indicate result of action.

Example: His face was beaten to a pulp.

Definition: Used to indicate a resulting feeling or emotion.

Example: To everyone's great relief, the tuneless carol singers finally ceased their warbling.

Definition: Used after an adjective to indicate its application.

Example: similar to ..., relevant to ..., pertinent to ..., I was nice to him, he was cruel to her, I am used to walking.

Definition: Denotes the end of a range.

Example: It takes 2 to 4 weeks to process typical applications.

Definition: As a.

Example: With God to friend (with God as a friend);   with The Devil to fiend (with the Devil as a foe);   lambs slaughtered to lake (lambs slaughtered as a sacrifice);   took her to wife (took her as a wife);   was sold to slave (was sold as a slave).

Definition: Used to indicate a ratio or comparison.

Example: I have ten dollars to your four.

Definition: Used to indicate that the preceding term is to be raised to the power of the following value; indicates exponentiation.

Example: Three squared or three to the second power is nine.

Definition: (time) Preceding.

Example: ten to ten = 9:50; We're going to leave at ten to (the hour).

Definition: Used to describe what something consists of or contains.

Example: Anyone could do this job; there's nothing to it.

Definition: At.

Example: Stay where you're to and I'll come find you, b'y.

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Phonetic: "/miːt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A sports competition, especially for track and field (a track meet) or swimming (a swim meet).

Definition: A gathering of riders, horses and hounds for foxhunting; a field meet for hunting.

Definition: A meeting of two trains in opposite directions on a single track, when one is put into a siding to let the other cross.

Definition: A meeting.

Example: OK, let's arrange a meet with Tyler and ask him.

Definition: The greatest lower bound, an operation between pairs of elements in a lattice, denoted by the symbol ∧.

Definition: An act of French kissing someone.

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Phonetic: "/miːt/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To make contact (with) while in proximity.

Definition: (Of groups) To come together.

Definition: To make physical or perceptual contact.

Definition: To satisfy; to comply with.

Example: This proposal meets my requirements. The company agrees to meet the cost of any repairs.

Definition: To balance or come out correct.

Definition: To perceive; to come to a knowledge of; to have personal acquaintance with; to experience; to suffer.

Example: The eye met a horrid sight. He met his fate.

Definition: To be mixed with, to be combined with aspects of.

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Phonetic: "/tuː/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: (focus) Likewise.

Definition: Also; in addition.

Example: There has been a cutback in federal subsidies. Too, rates have been increasing.

Definition: (degree) To an excessive degree; over; more than enough.

Definition: (degree) To a high degree, very.

Example: She doesn't talk too much.  I'm not too sure about this.

Definition: (affirmation) Used to contradict a negative assertion.

Example: "You're not old enough yet."  "I am, too!"

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